Post by ajohnson112@hotmail.com on Feb 18, 2002 10:15:49 GMT -5
I have always wanted to be a police officer but ran into some problems while in college. Prior to college, I had spent three years active duty in the military. I also went on to complete four years of service with the national guard. I recieved an honorable discharge with no problems while in the service. While in college, I was arrested five times. 1.charged with menacing 2nd (reduced to harrassment-a violation)2.criminal trespass (reduced to trespass-a violation)3.disorderly conduct (dismissed)4.disorderly conduct(public urination-paid fine)4.petty larcey(ACOD-dismissed). These incidents all occurred between the ages of 23-26. I am now 28 years old. I know these seem like a laundry list of offenses, but I was never convicted of a misdemenor and they were all violations. What are my chances if I am honest and straightforward about all my ordeals?
Post by junior on Feb 18, 2002 16:26:18 GMT -5
it is really hard to say what your chances are. i am assuming from your post you are interested in the nypd. your best bet would be to contact a recruiter from there and ask if your past mistakes will be a problem. a couple factors will figure into a depts decision. 1. how forgiving the dept is of past mistakes. some are more forgiving than others. 2. how deep/shallow the current applicant pool is.
the problem that i see you having is the fact that these "offenses" occured at an age when a person typically is more mature and responsible. secondly, these occured AFTER you served your military time. USUALLY it is the other way around. just b/c you were never convicted doesn't mean you are in the clear. when depts are hiring an individual they tend to heavily weigh one's moral turptitude.
as i mentioned before, contact a recruiter, officers you know, etc. i can't stress enough to be honest about your past. a dept can and will find out EVERYTHING. i hope that i have not sounded too negative, i am just trying to put things in perspective. best of luck to you.
junior 8)